Notice of Acquisition of a First-Class Marketing License for Medical Devices

Medmain Inc. is pleased to announce that it has received a business license for “a first-class marketing license for medical devices” from the Governor of Tokyo, Japan as of July 2, 2024.
We are hereby granted to manufacture and sell general medical devices, controlled medical devices, and highly controlled medical devices, pursuant to the provision of Article 23-2, Paragraph 1 of “the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices”.
【Overview of the Marketing License for Medical Devices】
Name of Company: Medmain Inc.
Date of License Issued: July 2, 2024
Category of License: a First-Class Marketing License for Medical Devices
License Number: 13B1X10433
■About Medmain Inc.
Medmain Inc. has a corporate mission of “to create a world where medical services can be accessed with technology anywhere, anytime,” and develops and provides PidPort, an AI-powered cloud system that supports digital pathology, as a partner to medical professionals around the world.
Medmain Inc. provides a full range of digital pathology services, starting with the digitization of histopathology slides, remote diagnosis support that connects facilities through the cloud, and the presentation of highly accurate and rapid analysis results using pathology AI, all of which are used at many facilities. In pathology AI development, which is our core technology, we have succeeded in creating a proprietary fundamental technology that accelerates AI development through transfer learning, and we are now capable of detecting cancer in multiple organs throughout the body.
We will keep promoting social implementation of pathology AI in the field of diagnosis support, using our product “PidPort,” an AI-powered cloud system to assist in digital pathology.