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Our CEO Osamu Iizuka had a presentation at Korea-Japan Startup Founder’s Day!

Our CEO Osamu Iizuka had a presentation at “Korea-Japan Startup Founder’s Day” held in Silicon Valley, California U.S.A. on November 13, 2024 (local time).

This event, attended by about 120 people, was co-hosted by the Consulates General of Japan and the Republic of Korea in San Francisco. It featured presentations by Korean Consul General Lim Jung-taek and Japanese Consul General Yo Osumi on the current state of the startup ecosystems and policies in both countries. The event also included panel discussions, startup pitches, and networking opportunities, allowing participants to connect with VCs, business leaders, and startup founders from diverse backgrounds who are active in Silicon Valley.

Officials from the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), the Consulate General of Canada, and the Consulate General of Brazil also attended the event, providing an opportunity for Japanese and Korean startups to network with representatives of other governments.

We are very grateful for this valuable opportunity.